Understanding Sexual Health and Its Role in More Effective Prevention Programs
Sexual health is a state of well-being in relation to sexuality across the life span that involves physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions. Sexual health is an intrinsic element of human health and is based on a positive, equitable, and respectful approach to sexuality, relationships, and reproduction, that is free of coercion, fear, discrimination, stigma, shame, and violence.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Click to read a variety of articles from supplemental issue of Public Health Reports (PHR), addressing the science and practical applications of sexual health, an important health promotion concept with the potential for improving population health in a broad range of areas related to sexual behavior.
See articles addressing important research questions in key areas relevant to sexual health. First, Penman-Aguilar and colleagues conducted a detailed literature review to assess the impact of socioeconomic disadvantage on teen childbearing.
See articles describing innovative approaches for turning the potentially abstract concept of sexual health into practical efforts for program implementation.
And see articles providing an overarching context for the field of sexual health.
See published article at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3562741/ .