Shipping Policy
Discreet Shipping
All packages are shipped in plain boxes or bubble packs with the return address marked as SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. Packaging will not indicate the origin or contents unless required for international customs purposes.
All orders appear as "Purple Haze Ecommerce" on your credit card or bank statement.
All orders include tracking numbers. Your tracking number will be emailed to you once your order is shipped - usually within 1-2 business days of placing your order.
Missing or Lost Parcels
Purple Haze is not responsible for the reimbursement, replacement, or re-shipment of parcels that are deemed missing or lost. Each parcel receives a tracking number. You can file a claim for missing packages with USPS or UPS (whichever provider your package is assigned).
Please ensure you provide us with the correct address. Your address is copied exactly as provided onto your shipping label. Purple Haze is not responsible for misdirected packages as a result or incorrect information being input on the order page. We cannot change or update an address once the item is in transit.
If the carrier does not deliver an order and it is returned to us, we will automatically refund the cost of the item minus the shipping costs. You are free to order a new, replacement order at any time.
Purple Haze reserves the right to charge all shipping fees and up to a 15% restocking fee if your package is returned to us due to an incorrect address, refusal at time of delivery or as a result of it being unclaimed.
Standard Shipping (5 – 7 business days)
Your order should arrive within 5 to 7 business days after it ships. If you qualify for a free shipping offer, expect your order within 5 to 7 business days after it ships.
2nd Day Shipping (2 business days)
2nd Day Delivery can only be shipped to street addresses in the continental United States.
Orders placed by 1pm EST Monday through Wednesday will ship the following day and arrive two business days later.
Orders placed by 1pm EST Thursday will ship the following day and will arrive Tuesday.
Orders placed by 1pm EST Friday will ship the following Monday and will arrive Wednesday.
Orders placed after 1pm EST Friday through the weekend will arrive Wednesday.
Overnight Shipping (1 business day)
Overnight delivery orders can only be shipped to street addresses in the continental United States.
Orders placed by 1pm EST Monday through Thursday will ship within 1-2 days of purchase and arrive one business day later.
Orders placed between 1pm EST Thursday and 1pm Friday will ship within 1-2 days of purchase and arrive one business day later.
Orders placed after 1pm EST Friday through the weekend will arrive Wednesday.
Return & Exchange Policy
NOTE: Due to the nature of the products sold at PurpleHazeFantasy.com, all products are sold as final. Our care, concern and responsibility of sanitary safety to our customers is of utmost priority and the returns of lingerie and sex toys is not an option.
Refunds and returns are not accepted.
The following items are final sale and ineligible for return:
lingerie/dress sets that include a panty
sex toys